Geeky Stuff Every Zodiac Sign Likes to Do

Are you ready to find out some of the geekiest activities that a Zodiac Sign does secretly?

5 min readMay 13, 2021
Geeky Stuff Every Zodiac Sign Likes to Do

Human behavior is very complex. Something that we might not expect from a person, he or she might do it out of the blue, leaving us all surprised. There is a term that is thrown around a lot in discussions known as Geeks. Geeky and Nerdy are two terms that are used interchangeably. For me, for this article, I will be treating them as the same and defining them as an unusual trait or a quirk that a Zodiac Sign is known for and you did not expect it from them.

So, are you ready to find out some of the geekiest activities that a Zodiac Sign does secretly?

Let us take a lot at all the Zodiac Signs and their Inner Geek coming through.


Aries is the kind of Geeks who are the staunch Binge Watchers

Aries is the kind of Geeks who are the staunch Binge Watchers
Aries is the kind of Geeks who are the staunch Binge Watchers

Give a TV show that Aries like and they won’t be sleeping for days until and unless they have watched all the seasons of the same TV show and made a Twitter and an Instagram Fan account dedicated to their favorite TV series.


Taurus is the kind of Geeks who hoards Books and More Books.

Taurus is the kind of Geeks who hoards Books and More Books.

Taurus likes reading books more than watching Tv Series or Movies. Slow to changes that occur outside, Taurus Zodiac has a hard time accepting things that bring about change. They prefer authenticity and a tinge of human sensitivity in everything they do and read about.


Gemini is the kind of Geeks who knows every little detail about New Technology.

Gemini is the kind of Geeks who knows every little detail about New Technology.
Gemini is the kind of Geeks who knows every little detail about New Technology.

Gemini people are usually very tech-savvy. They are the chosen ones their friends, family, or relatives would call up when buying a new piece of technology whether it be Smartphones or TV’s or Laptops! They get enlightened about every tiniest detail of the Technology that comes up new in the market and they are usually the first ones to even try it.


Cancer is the kind of Geeks who loves to collect tiny things, whatsoever.

Cancer is the kind of Geeks who loves to collect tiny things, whatsoever.

Cancer being a Water Sign is fond of reminiscing a lot. Collecting tiny, little objects and things is the Geeky activity they like to indulge themselves in quite frequently. Whether it be stones or pebbles, post stamps, or Chocolate Wrappers, they would do it all to preserve a little memory in their way.


Leos are the kind of Geeks who loves to show off their connection of Movie Memorabilia or Paraphernalia of their favorite subject at school.

Leos are the kind of Geeks who loves to show off their connection of Movie Memorabilia or Paraphernalia of their favorite subject at school.

Leo is proud of the things and activities and does not shy away from showing them off to their friends and family. It boosts their confidence and becomes a source of encouragement for their upcoming inspiration to be revealed in their ranting later.


Virgo is the kind of Geek who loves to collect Clothes even when they won’t be wearing them throughout the year.

Virgo is the kind of Geek who loves to collect Clothes even when they won’t be wearing them throughout the year.

Virgos are very sharp-minded who love to hang out with their friends and explore every nook and crook of their favorite city. They are confident when they are well dressed. Even though they would be wearing normal, casual clothes the majority of the time, Virgos typically like to collect clothes they can wear on any type of occasion.


Libra is the kind of Geek who goes on writing letters to people.

Libra is the kind of Geek who goes on writing letters to people.
Libra is the kind of Geek who goes on writing letters to people.

Libras are one of the most peaceful Zodiac Signs. When it comes to confrontation, Libra channels their inner geek and writes letters to the people whenever they wish to share a secret feeling or piece of information in the most old-fashioned way.


Scorpio is the kind of Geek who knows everything about Human Psychology and applies it to real life.

Scorpio is the kind of Geek who knows everything about Human Psychology and applies it to real life.
Scorpio is the kind of Geek who knows everything about Human Psychology and applies it to real life.

Scorpios are good at reading people. They can read and know what is on a person’s mind just by observing their gestures, by hearing the tenor of their voice, and so on. They are the kind of geeks who loves to collect information and write notes on Human Psychology.


Sagittarius is the kind of Geeks who cannot stay away from Books.

Sagittarius is the kind of Geeks who cannot stay away from Books.
Sagittarius is the kind of Geeks who cannot stay away from Books.

Books are escape getaways for Sagittarius. They can procrastinate day and night imagining different scenarios of their favorite books to just pass time and feel good.


Capricorns is the kind of Geeks who know all about Law & Order.

Capricorns is the kind of Geeks who know all about Law & Order.
Capricorns is the kind of Geeks who know all about Law & Order.

Capricorns wants to stand on the right side of History and knows everything about Human Rights and Law and Order to rest the chaos and bring about a peaceful order in the world. They are on their secret mission to save the world.


Aquarius is the kind of Geek who is a Music Mogul.

Aquarius is the kind of Geek who is a Music Mogul.

It is hard to come at the geeky level of an Aquarius. Music speaks to their soul and they are people who are aware of all the possible Music Genres, the process behind making a song, the production, everything!


Pisces is the kind of Geek who loves to create Arts and crafts.

Pisces is the kind of Geek who loves to create Arts and crafts.
Pisces is the kind of Geek who loves to create Arts and crafts.

Our feely Pisces is the geek who can spend day and night making Art. They love to express themselves creatively and Arts and Crafts are one thing that does not make them feel inhibited.




Written by Feather

I’m an explorer of this cosmos & I believe there are deeper mysteries of life that needs to be unraveled. So, come along, read and join me in my journey :)

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