How Karma affects your relations.



Humans are social animals. Our need to be loved and understood is considered to be one of the most basic and fundamental needs. All through their life, humans meet and try to form bonds with those around them. Some of these bonds last till the end of times while some of them decay, no matter how hard we try.

In every relation, we crave for an emotional connection, to have our feelings reciprocated. There are times when we experience heartbreak, whether it be from a love interest or a platonic friend connection, it is inevitable. Everything could be going right in your perfect relation until one day it just isn’t so perfect anymore.

We’d want to know what went wrong, to analyze all the conversations we can, try to find whose fault it was. But sometimes it comes out to the simple fact that some people just aren’t meant to be in our lives. The key to understanding something like this lies in the karmic influences that can be seen in one’s birth chart.

Understanding Karma and Destiny.

Derived from a Sanskrit word, Karma is a famous concept now, yet a lot of people are mistaken about what it actually means. Contrary to popular belief, Karma doesn’t mean destiny or fate. It means actions and the theory of karma revolves just around that, i.e., our actions. It is our own actions that pave the way for what happens in the future. Our present is filled with the consequences of the actions of our past and what decisions we make now, in the present, decides what happens in the future.

While Karma isn’t set in stone, destiny is a set of events that are bound to happen in the future no matter what. But karma can be changed. Our actions today can change our future. One can improve their future with today’s action; one can be helped by the power of Karma to achieve the dreams they have, one can also improve all areas of their life with sound choices. And nothing is different when it comes to one’s relation.

Karma destiny report helps you find out the past, the present, and also the future of your soul and also the chance to be able to change the future events.

Sometimes for a relation to last, a lot more than just trust and compatibility is required. To understand the relation between two people better, to understand and improve all that is wrong, this report is there to help you.

Their Vedic astrologer will carefully examine the information of both you and your partner or your friend. This information would include name, birth date, birthplace, birth time and along with these, they’d analyze the horoscope of both you and the other person.

At Trusted Teller, every report is custom made for the individual. It is created manually to give the most accurate result possible. Their report is detailed and apt with what the individual wishes to be aware of.

They take 24 hours to carefully and precisely form the report for you. They look at all the tiny details presented in the birth charts, compare them with the other person and curate an accurate report with adequate information.

Importance of this report.

A Karma destiny report looks over all the aspects affecting a relation. It takes into consideration the changes needed in the relationship for it to succeed and to avoid potholes. It tries to foresee the opportunities to improve a relationship and talks about precautions that might be needed to save from minor or even major arguments or problems to arise.

This report anticipates possible changes, provides pieces of advice and suggestions on how to handle difficulties in a relationship properly, gracefully, and without damaging it. It lets you know what is to be done and what is to be avoided for that relationship of yours to succeed and prosper in all the ways possible. It helps you know about the hurdles in the way, prepares you for the obstacles that might be standing in between you and your goals for the relation. It even talks about timing, educating you about when the time is right and when it isn’t.

Providing all the correct advices.

Every relationship is different, and though the person who is good with advice can come up with something that might be useful for you, it still might not work at all times. When you are facing trouble in your relations, or when one of you is experiencing doubt, a detailed report is exactly what would eliminate all drama and doubt from your relationship.

To be able to overcome the incredible, to overcome the toughest of times and issues, a karma destiny report guides you the way towards a better and stronger relationship which is completely free of trouble and obstacles that otherwise could have damaged the relation.

Karma and Love.

For any human out there, life feels complete and the person feels satisfaction only when they have met and are with the love of their life. The fear of losing their love might be constantly experienced, but most of the time, your present actions determine how your love story is. Everyone wishes and desires a happy ending like all those Disney movies, but as easy as it is shown in those movies, the reality is a little more complicated than that.

How we treat our significant other, how we behave with them, if and how much we make them feel special, there are endless things that can keep them hooked to you and you to them. But like any relationship, some problems are bound to be experienced; some hurdles are going to be present on this beautiful journey of love. And the key to be able to move past it all, stronger and better, is to know what to do and what not to do, when to do it and how to do it. That is where the Karma destiny report comes to help.

This report brings forth all that one needs to know about a relationship. It is the beauty of this report, with a little patience of 24 hours, we get to know all that we need to do for the relationship to grow stronger and move towards fulfilment. It is this report that can relieve a person from the fear of losing their loved ones, stopping them from making big mistakes that might risk them their love and also guide them towards being better in the relation.

Karma and friendship.

Most of us spend a lot of time without being in a relationship or having a love interest for the majority of our lives, but even during all those times, we always have friends. When time is rough with you, friends are who stand by you and make sure that whatever you are dealing with, you do not have to go through that alone. Friends, no matter how much they annoy us at times, are one of the biggest blessings of our lives.

We all have lost friends at one point of time or the other. It was painful and now when you think about losing the closest friend you have right now, it makes you want to hold tight to them and never let them go.

A karmic relation, a relation between two souls, is best experienced between friends. We might have lost friends in the past, but we don’t need to lose them anymore. A karmic destiny report of you and your best friend could make you aware of the complex aspects you could never understand before. It would teach you about the key knowledge that you need to improve your relationship and repair even the most damaged relation of yours.

It is all about timing, and this report gives you detailed information about all the timings that would prove right for you. Not all bonds run as deep as the ones we have with our best friends, it is worth saving and protecting at all cost. The friendship between you and your best friend deserves to be kept safe and this karmic report is the exact shield that you need.

We do bond with a lot of people, but it is those few but extremely important bonds that matters more than all the others. It has been proven that people xperience physical pain when they lose someone who is extremely dear to them. For every relation that is important to you, don’t let some obstacles come in the way of keeping them in your life. Learn about likely events, gain an insight over what is wrong and what could be done and help your relations with these accurate readings.

Q. How can we be in control of our karma?

Karma is a law of moral causation, stating that what we give to the world, we receive it back in one way or the other. The actions we perform write the reaction we’d receive in the future. This chain of action and reaction is inevitable and keeps on going on and on. But the best part about it is the fact that what we receive is somehow in our hands. If our actions and intentions are pure and good, we are paving the way towards a future that is filled with the exact reciprocation of what we gave to the world. In Karma, you get what you give to life. Karma doesn’t discriminate, doesn’t play with favouritism. It gives back to the person exactly what they deserve,

Our karma is thus, in our very own hands. What actions we take today was to write what reaction we get in the future.

A karmic destiny report prepares you for what is to come. It makes you know what your actions of the past had led you to, and makes you aware of how your future has been changed and could be changed by your present actions. A report like this makes you mend your ways if you want to have a better future. It not only helps one clean up the mess their actions have created, but it also stops them from making any more such mistakes.

Karma isn’t set in stones. We can redeem ourselves by our actions of today and improve the standards of our future life.

Q. What is the purpose of a Karmic relation?

A karmic relation is usually a relation that is meant to teach you important life lessons that you didn’t learn in your past life. One of the reasons these relations are so intense is because of your partner being a soul whom you have known from one of your past lives. These relations come in our life so that we grow and become better. Due to the intensity of these relations, not only do we learn a lot from it, but many people also tend to give up on the relationship and sometimes even love altogether.

It is during such cases that one is in the most need of a karmic destiny report. It is these reports that not only tell you if you should keep holding on or should you move on from the relation, but it also guides you in the process. It acts like a mentor that provides us with all the information needed to handle and achieve what we want to in a relation.

Q. Does Karma forgive?

Karma is our actions. It is not about being punished or being rewarded as is thought by many of us. It is about cause and effect. One needs to stop fearing it and start understanding that in the end, it is us who is in charge of our karma. We get to restructure our reality by improving the action of our present. With good thoughts and actions, not only are we going to experience inner growth and growth in every aspect of our life, but we are also somehow redeeming ourselves of all the bad karma we have attained with our past actions. Our reality is just a reflection of what we did in our past. We need to understand that every choice we make in our present has a connection with our past and can write our future.



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