How Zodiacs act When Sad

Have you ever wondered how your Zodiac Sign expresses its sadness?

4 min readMay 15, 2021
How Zodiacs act When Sad
How Zodiacs act When Sad

Everyone deals with their emotions and feelings differently. While some people are easily able to express what they are feeling inside, through tears and crying, for some, it is extremely daunting to do the same. If you have some friends who are into Astrology, might have told you at times that “OMG you just act like your Zodiac Sign,” and you would have given them a shrug of your head.

But truly, have you ever wondered how your Zodiac Sign expresses its sadness? If not, let us take a look at all the Zodiac Signs and how they express their sadness and melancholy.


Aries become less optimistic, dull, or even angry.

Aries are usually strong-willed and rambunctious. But when something’s wrong, Aries express their sadness by becoming less optimistic, dull, and fail to work up their daily habits.

Make sure to engage in sports activities to channel the sadness rightly.


Sadness makes Taurus irritable and less tolerable of others.

Taurus when sad lose their temper at the drop of a hat. They become lethargic, may isolate themselves alone, or gain emotional support by binge eating.

Make sure to do what makes YOU happy Taurus, it could simply include reading a book, or going to the Museum.


Gemini’s mind seems to be somewhere else when they are sad.

Gemini is usually a chatty person but when they are sad, they will go all quiet. They will have the poker face on, go quiet, slow, and indifferent to their surroundings.

Geminis should make sure to write their feelings on paper when they are sad instead of running away from them.


Petrified to be alone when sad, Cancers become clingy.

Cancer when sad tend to become moody, overly emotional and are not afraid to cry to express their inner melancholy. Being a Water Sign, Cancer can either drown in their sadness or use it to come out of it, new and rejuvenated.

Cancer, make sure to start a new hobby transform this sadness into your creative pursuit.


When sad, Leo appears as if on the brink of a nervous breakdown.

When Leo is sad, they may become all quiet and aloof. When you look at them all sad, they would appear as if on the brink of breakdown. They are also unable to differentiate between a victim and a martyr when sad.

Leos make sure to get enough exercise and a close friend whom you can share your problems with.


When sad, Virgos become mean, pessimistic, and blunt.

When a Virgo is sad, they will become very blunt and oppositional to whoever hurt them. They will also try to disconnect from their feelings and begins to over-analyze every minor thing.

Make sure to over-inspect and over-think for a while Virgo and give your mind some rest when sad.


Libras cease all activities they liked doing when sad.

Libras stop doing the things they like entirely when sad. They all lose all hope and become hopeless when sad and depressed.

Libra just needs a little push and words of encouragement to feel all brand new again! Make sure your social circle is kind, Libra.


When sad, it is hard for a Scorpio to pull themselves out of it.

They become sad, hostile, isolated, and have violent mood swings, yes violent! Their thoughts begin to scare them and slowly they develop a sense of paranoia.

When sad, make sure to surround yourself with animals Scorpio as you love them and consider them as kindred spirits.


Sagittarius starts worrying excessively about the future when sad.

Sagittarius becomes insomniac when sad. They become depressed over time, overthink, and more serious when they are sad.

Make sure to engage in activities like Yoga and Meditation to pull yourself out of the rut Sagittarius. It will give a push to your ambitious side.


Caps lose all inspiration when sad.

Capricorn’s work takes a toll when they are sad. They become unmotivated, hopeless, and dejected when sad.

Capricorn you are a pretty serious sign. Make sure to do something silly in a while which reminds you of your childhood when you are sad.


Even though they will pretend to be happy, Aquas will become all silent when sad.

Aquarius become detached and isolate themselves when sad. They become easily irritable and silent. It might seem they are fine but inside, they are breaking down.

Make sure to let a close friend know how you feel Aquarius. Do not hide your emotions. You will feel light.


When sad, a Pisces feels anxious and guilty of feeling too much.

Pisces become anxious, nervous, tensed when sad. They can easily cry and isolate themselves completely.

Dear Pisces, put an end to your overthinking for a brighter future otherwise the sadness will drown your happiness.




I’m an explorer of this cosmos & I believe there are deeper mysteries of life that needs to be unraveled. So, come along, read and join me in my journey :)