Living is all about being happy. And having good health is central to one’s happiness. Health is the biggest denominator when it comes to living a very fulfilled and happening life.
In this ultra-fast generation where everyone is so focused on chasing success and their goals, taking care of their health becomes of secondary importance. People start opting for food that has hardly any nutritious value but is fast to make, they start trying to stay away from any sort of physical exertion to have enough energy to ‘run’ behind their goals. There are electronic devices available for almost all of our work so that we don’t get tired from doing the most basic household or daily chores. Not only are such things making us lazy, but it is also making us take our health for granted.
Poor health not only provides stress to a person, but it also diminishes our normal functioning to a level that we fail to perform our best in every other area of our life. Being a sufferer of poor health can become the biggest hurdle between you and your goals, stopping you, and restricting you from reaching your full potential.
People might even succeed in reaching the goal of their life but they might not live long or well enough to be able to enjoy what they have achieved. What is the point of success when your health doesn’t permit you to be able to enjoy it?
We have been part of this rat race for so many decades that all we do is focus on the cheese at the end of the road while forgetting about not only the beauty of the journey but also of what is there within us. Our priorities shift and for most of us, health is no more a subject to be concerned about.
Most of us are guilty of having neglected our health for most of our existence. Health starts becoming a priority when someone close to us, or when it is us who experiences the clear effect of bad health. It is when we have encountered a near-death disease or an illness that caused us so much damage and trouble in various areas that we have no option but to make health a priority before the experience. To have seen someone suffer, or to have suffered ourselves is the only thing that opens one’s eyes towards the importance of making health the most important priority.
Health report for two years opens your eyes to the underlying health issues you might have to face in the coming two years.
This report intends to be able to warn you beforehand so that you get to make all the required preparations and maybe even come to know where to make changes in your lifestyle to be able to prevent the probable health problems of your future or at the very least, be able to minimize the intensity.
A little about how this health report for two years is created:
They are very strong on beliefs and therefore, at Trusted Teller, they do not use computer systems or any API to generate predictions and form a report for you. They know that these reports influence and also encourages people to make a life-changing decision. Recognizing the necessity of precision, their best Vedic Astrologers formulate this report with extreme diligence.
They examine your information like name, birth date, birthplace, birth time, and birth chart. Combining all this with your horoscope and other acquired details and take about 24 hours for creating the report.
Astrology has played a vital role for years and has empowered many individuals through all facets of their life. This report educates you about your possible health troubles in the next two years so that you have an insight into the changes you need to make in your life to be able to sustain in the future.
Health has always been given less importance and to anyone who has never experienced or witnessed how being unhealthy disturbs someone life, know that not only does it reduce your chance of reaching your dream career, but it also results in relationship problems, mental health issues and in extreme cases financial problems.
Poor health can keep you from reaching your goals.
Achieving goals has become the most important thing about a person’s life now. A person plans their day, week, month, and even a year based on their goals, forming their routine, lifestyle, relationships, everything while keeping in mind their goals.
Every other area of one’s life is shifted to a lower level of priority. In this success seeking world, this is not only acceptable but also expected from anyone who has high hopes with their life. And just like that, health becomes of less importance.
Poor health affects all areas of your life. From your relationship to the manner of how you present yourself, from your lifestyle to your career.
The impact poor health has on one’s career:
Reduces productivity.
Being productive is one of the basic requirements to succeed in any field of career. If one fails to bring productivity in work, they fail at being efficient and at giving proper outputs despite putting in a lot of effort.
In this era when winning is everything, not being productive can cost someone their entire life dream. This is your time to save yourself from having to suffer something like this.
This report is created for you to understand the importance of health, know which areas of health you need to improve. With these accurate details, you get to make informed decisions and walk on the road towards a better and healthy life.
Poor health costs you your money and time.
With poor health comes the regular tour one needs to take to a doctor. A high number of checkups and regular medical bills are just the start of your resources slowly starting to drain. Then there is also to consider the time it takes for all these checkups, procedures, and also the time you need to take out of your daily routine to take extra care of yourself since your eyes were opened.
So the time and money that could have been used to develop your career or your business have to be used instead for your health.
All in all, resources and time drains from one’s hand at a rapid speed and all because of not paying attention to one’s health when they should have.
This report comes to your rescue. Telling you beforehand of the possible threat to your health, this report keeps you from making the same health mistakes you have been making and guides you on how to save your health from further damage. If the pieces of advice in this report are followed at the right time, a person can save themselves from having to face a major health issue in the future.
Our lifestyle writes the story of our health:
It is no doubt that having an unhealthy lifestyle is going to lead to a person having poor health. It is the decisions we make on our day to day life that makes or breaks our body’s strength.
We mess up our health by sleep depriving ourselves, or by having an unhealthy and extremely imbalanced diet. We endanger our health when we indulge in recreational drugs or addictive substances, even something as common as alcohol or smoking.
There are countless ways your actions could be affecting your health, an unpredictable amount of food habits that are making you unhealthy. While you could be amongst those who are a bit health conscious and yet you might not be aware of where you are going wrong.
This report brings to light the possible health problems of your next two years. This helps you find out the unhealthy habits of yours and change so that you move on towards a possible healthy life.
For the health-conscious ones:
Many people do take care of their health, eating all the proper food, not indulging in any harmful substances like alcohol or nicotine, keeping up with regular exercise regime, and yet might have something lacking.
Though a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle is the key to a healthy body and yet sometimes people could be missing out on regular checkups. Regular checkups can bring out some underlying disease to light whose symptoms or trouble are yet to start and be noticed by the person.
For all those health-conscious people who want to know if and where they could do better or if they have a risk of any health problems in the next few years, this report saves them the trouble of worrying. This report uncovers the possible health issues the person could suffer in the next two years so that not only do they go for regular checkups but also highlight the areas that you could be missing out on when trying to do good by your health.
Getting back on track:
Those who have suffered from a major life-threatening disease and have been strong through it and survived it never wants to endure something like that ever again. They have to take excessive care about their health and prevent themselves from indulging in any activity at all that could lead them to get some even minor health problems. Their life could be filled with comprises and anxiety of getting ill again.
This report relieves that person and the person’s family’s tension as it provides them with predictions and knowledge about the possible future. The person now knows how they need to take further care, where they can cut themselves some slack and even the places where they need to focus more on being able to get stronger.
Poor health becomes the hurdle for the life one wants to live. Our unhealthy decisions of today are reflected in the quality of our life in the future. This report is what you need to be prepared and on guard for any danger to your health and thus your life.
Q. How does astrology help in predicting health issues?
The probable health issues a person could have to face in the future is reflected in their kundlis. Astrologers look for the placement of the Lord of Ascendant in one’s birth chart or Janam Kundli and they check the strength of the placement to predict the future of the person’s health. Each and every planet is said to be governing parts of one’s body and astrologers find and checks the position of these planets to make a prediction.
Q. What is the role of planets in the prediction of health problems?
In Vedic astrology, the position of the planet determines a person’s future. Each planet governs one or the other part of our body and the correct positioning of the planets or the incorrect positioning lets the astrologer know whether or not a person would have health issues or if they’d do, which part of the body would it be located to.
The planets, the Sun, and the Moon are responsible for different diseases a human body might experience. But of them all, four main solar bodies cause health problems depending on their position in the birth chart. The Moon is represented for asthma, the Mercury is represented for neural problems, the Jupiter is represented for jaundice, and the Venus is represented for malefic sugar problems.
Q. How does a health report help?
Apart from relieving anxiety because of the future, it helps by providing one with ample time to prepare for inevitable health issues so that when it arises their troubles are minimized to the fullest. It talks about the periods where you need to be careful about your health. It also mentions effective remedial measures that could ease the health troubles currently faced or could be possibly faced in the near or late future.
For people suffering from health issues, this report can talk about when their suffering could end or decrease and how they can help their symptoms with these effective remedies.