Leading a carefree life.



For years and years, humans have tried to predict what the future holds. From things that are solely personal to things that involve the entire mankind, the future possibility is something that all humans have pondered more times than they would ever be aware of. This human tendency arises from the feeling of wanting to be in control of our fate, wanting to negate some of what uncertainties that one’s future ensues. But tell me, how many times have the predictions you have made about yourself or the world has actually come true?

According to psychology today, the study of the psychology of risk perception has found that one of the most powerful influences on fear is uncertainty, which is something we all have to live with, given, we don’t have the capability to know exactly what our future has to throw upon us.

Why is worrying about the future common?

In this fast-paced generation, we are living on piles of uncertainty, stemming from global warming, the current pandemic, and problems due to the continuous increase in population, possible health issues due to the pollution we all are surrounded by. The list goes on and on, and so does the apprehension most of us have to accept as a part of us, continuously worrying about the future, about what-ifs and whatnots.

We all worry, and why wouldn’t we? We all have arrived in this world for some purpose and all our life we either spend searching what this purpose is or we spend fulfilling this purpose, if and when we find it. It is the future that keeps us motivated, which gives us hope to go on even when days are rough or on days when we want to give up.

Just like our genetic material or our personality, there are no two people with exactly the same life purpose or life aim. It is the possibility of one day achieving this life purpose that keeps us motivated.

For someone, their life’s purpose could be attaining fame, to become the inspiration of the future generation, to be extremely rich; while in contrast to that, someone else might want to spend their life for the sake of the community, helping in charities or NGOs, or someone’s aim could be marrying someone they love. The possibility is endless, and each and every one of those possibilities is just as important and just as different from the other. But in the end, it is all about happiness. And just like having a life purpose is common for all so is the fear of never achieving it. And for this very reason, it is valid to worry.

But do we need to keep on worrying?

What if there was a way that you could know exactly what the future holds? What if there was something that could save you from this daily anxiety you feel about the future? What if there is a way for you to leave your doubt and fear behind because you would be aware of how exactly you need to be prepared for the future?

Though a time machine is far from being made, we do have something else that would help you get a glimpse of your future. Fasten your seatbelts and hear the drumrolls in the background, because this might just change your life.

The answer is simple and something you have always been aware of and that is ASTROLOGY.

Condemned by science, and doubted by most of the people, astrology is gaining a diminished appreciation than it deserves. The reasons for this are many, but the major culprit is the numerous sites, numbers of astrologers claiming to have the powers of Nostradamus, but failing to provide even half correct predictions. They use the tactics of social psychology, pinpointing the most irrelevant and common aspects of people’s life that almost everyone experiences, not giving anyone anything of much importance but resulting in making a lot of people lose faith in astrology.

So why is astrology the solution to the anxiety of the future?

Astrology, like many other things, has been ruined by some of those who only claim to be good but never really are. The right thing is to find the correct astrologers, the actually talented people out there who might not be as good as Nostradamus, but still good enough to make him proud.

At Trusted Teller, they have done half the work for you; they have curated just the right team for you. A team that is dedicated and determined to deliver to you the accurate information of any individual’s life, information that would be precise, adequate, and definitely something that would provide you peace.

Life can’t be defined. Each and every one of us has a different image of what their ‘perfect life’ is. It is a journey we all embark upon, with different hopes and aspirations, attaining different experiences with time, living the same moment differently. Every person is different, and so is the life they live and thus so is their future. Keeping this in mind, a blog post on a site having predicted your future is redundant when being addressed to any and everyone reading it.

But this isn’t how they do it there. This is not what they, at Trusted Teller believe in and as a result, they operate differently.

There are many sites and companies that use systems, API, and computer-generated predictions but Trusted Teller is NOT one of them.

They understand that there is no one size fits all report. Every report they make is made manually, for an individual, keeping in mind the differences.

A glimpse on how it is done there:

Their Vedic astrologer starts from carefully examining the individual’s information. This information comprises of name, birth date, birthplace, and also birth time. After examining this information, they make a precise reading based on your horoscope, birth chart, and more.

They aim to provide one with a detailed and accurate report, providing ample information for you to be able to reveal the hidden secrets of the future. They want to empower individuals through all facets of their life, be prepared, to leave behind the reason to live in fear, doubt and worry and to experience the unknown mystery of the future with proven readings.

Unlike most of the sites out there, they don’t instantly provide you with the report, because as mentioned previously, they don’t use a computerized system, instead, they create a detailed report manually. All the details are checked with precision and produced within 24 hours.

Why is it important to have a life report?

You have got this life to live, not to spend every moment in dread of the future. It is fear that holds most of us back. It is doubt that stops us from becoming the best version of ourselves and to aim for what we really desire to. Many of us give up because we don’t see the light in the future. Many of us give up because we are afraid that the path we are choosing might end up becoming a big mistake. Most of us settle in doing what seemed traditionally fit in fear of doing something different, the path to which has never been found and then reaching nowhere, despite having the potential to do wonders in what you desired to.

Stop letting this fear of the unknown hold you back. Stop letting this doubt keep you from achieving your full potential. Stop letting worry become a problem in your daily functioning. Unlock powerful information that would help you in improving your situation. Once you know the predictions of your life, you’d also know how you need to adjust and improve, you’d also become aware of the bad AND the good times. You’d be prepared for exactly what lies around the corner.

Living in fear and worry has become a norm, let this report help you break this chain of fear and make you aware of how you need to prepare for your future and then you’d never have to live in a life surrounded with anxiety, you’d never let your doubts empower you in the future.


Everyone sees life through a different lens. There is never going to be a perfect definition for it. The meaning of life usually depends on what is expected out of it. Every person has a different set of aspirations and hopes and expectations from life. And to look for someone else’s definition of life and trying to abide by it is an injustice to one own self. We all have independent thought patterns and perceptions, and it is only us who can define what life’s meaning is for us.


First thing first, accept your individuality. Never settle for a life or a life purpose set by someone else and always know that the real answer is inside you. In simple words, life purpose is the aim that inspires us in the journey of our life. For one to know what their life purpose is, they need to understand themselves, their thought pattern, their emotions, and what motivates them, what they are passionate about. One needs to understand what is driving them to action, what is providing them with a lot of satisfaction, what thought keeps them going on even on the roughest of days. Look within you, introspect, and don’t let fear handicap you, and you’d find exactly what your purpose is.


Nostradamus is well known by a lot of us, a French astrologer who has died years ago but is well reputed to have predicted a lot of the things that happened centuries after his existence. Though there hasn’t been someone as great as him in generations, there have been many having the power it requires for being accurate about the future. While some merely have a future vision, many also use other tactics to base their predictions on. These people, maybe psychics or astrologers use their power and take the help of different things for the predictions. They can be using tarot cards, birth charts, reading one’s palm, horoscope, etc.

Q. Can dreams predict the future?

It is a possibility for one to be able to dream what the future has to offer but such dreams are not seen by everyone. There are only a few who have such visions of the future in their dreams. These dreams are known as Precognitive dreams. But it is difficult to know when our dreams are precognitive or normal. According to the psychoanalytic theory, dreams are believed to represent the unconscious desires or suppressed fear or emotions. They usually comprise of places we have been to or places we wish to go to, of moments we have experienced and of moments we wish to experience. These dreams, many times are exactly what our life dreams are, which may come true one day in the future, but to associate the dreams to be a means of predicting a future doesn’t work for all because there is no way to know if you predicted future or if it was just a mere illusion of your subconscious mind.


Our future is the consequence of the decisions and actions of today. We can predict some simple things of the future from the decisions and actions we made today. For example, if a student decides to study hard and acts accordingly, he can predict getting a good grade in his examination. But there is a probability that he might get ill during his examination, or there are some questions that he couldn’t comprehend, or he wasn’t able to complete the exam on time. There are endless possibilities and thus we cannot see the future completely. We can only predict some possibilities of what might happen in the future.

So it is a good thing to base our actions on how we want our future to turn out, but for all that unpredictable twists and turns life has to offer, it is the astrologers who can help us with it.



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