Humans thrive on social interaction. For every one of us, relations are one of the most important aspects of our daily life. Any good thought in our head, or experience we had, it matters the most when we can share it with people we care about.
Of all the relations a human is involved in, friendship has to be the one that helps us the most mentally. A friend is who is there when you are stressed and also there when you are on top of the world. A friend is one in front of whom you are completely comfortable being yourself, in front of whom you don’t hide.
On the rough days, they are there to make you bear it all without feeling lonely. They could be miles away or right beside you, but they are always present with you. Sometimes they know you more than you know yourself, they motivate you to be the best version of yourself, and they force you to do something you are scared of.
Friends are a blessing, through thick and thin, without any judgement, they accept us with our baggage and without them, without their support, every difficulty in life is going to be ten times harder.
Though not everyone we call our friend is good for us, and not every friend of ours who is good for us can stay with us forever. The pain of losing a friend is something all of us have dealt with and it is not something anyone wants to experience again.
We make a lot of friends; there are many we meet who make an impact on our life, but not all of them are meant to stay forever. But then there are those, without whom life is impossible to imagine, who has always been there, since the very start of time. Maybe it is the person who lived in your neighborhood since more than a decade, or it could be the friend you made the first week of college, some friendships leave a bigger impact on you and you pray that you never have to know what it is like to live without those friends in your life. They become a part of our family and it is them this article is all about.
For the friends that turned into a family, for the friends you never want to lose, doubt is not something that you should ever allow to come between you two.
Trusted Teller comes up with a friendship report for you and that special friend who you wish to keep in your life forever.
They take the basic details of both you and that friend to curate a report on your bond. Considering the birth chart and horoscope of both you and your friend, their Vedic astrologers examine your information and give a detailed review of your relationship.
Without using any API or computerized system to generate the report, they do it manually. Custom made for every individual, this report is accurate and aptly detailed that helps us know about the hidden future of our friendship.
We just need to wait for 24 hours for them to create the report that can mean everything for the friendship that we value as much as our life.
This report is essential during any kind of troubles a friendship is facing, from doubts to long-distance, the report is there to help you keep your bond strong with your special friend.
“A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.”
- William Shakespeare.
Doubts kill relationships.
A friendship can be very strong, could have gone through all kinds of trouble, and still have managed to survive unscathed. This is possible because of the strength and intimacy of the bond shared by two people.
But when doubt starts to form in the mind of anyone of them, the relation starts to suffer, slowly moving towards its demise. As humans, having doubt is inevitable. People have doubts for various reasons, from being unable to spend time together or because of someone new entering the life of one of you, doubt can find its way to enter your mind for the smallest of reasons.
In the beginning, we are somewhat able to control what kind of thoughts a person is having and avoid taking any action based on those thoughts, but slowly this starts to increase and sometimes goes beyond control and ruins everything you cared about in the relationship.
This report helps you from making any such mistake and also in removing the doubt from your head. The report comes filled with information you need to get back on track with your bond, helping you get a better understanding of your relationship with your friend.
Remove your doubts regarding this friendship of yours and save it from drowning in the mess that doubtful thoughts are bound to create.
Should you become friends with an ex-friend?
No matter how strong the bond is, sometimes the time is not right and at that moment, you people are just not meant to be. It pains for a friendship to break, especially when the person was someone you always imagined having in your life even when you get old.
Sometimes it happens that some friends return, somehow when the timings and circumstances are right for both you and them as they return. It is still in our hands to know if we want to rekindle the friendship that once was. And sometimes the bitter memories of losing them for the first time are still fresh in your mind and you are wondering if it is correct to dwell in something that has hurt you before.
This report becomes the mentor that comes with all the right information you need to be able to decide what is more beneficial for you and your well-being.
Resurrecting a dead friendship could be tough but with this report, not only would let you know if it is good for you two to become friends again, but it would also help you work with the decision you made, guiding you throughout the process.
When your friendship is facing problems.
When you are rekindling a past relationship or trying to solve the problems experienced in the present friendship, one needs to make a series of decisions that can result in drastic changes in the friendship. We have no way of knowing it ourselves as to how a decision of ours is going to work out. That is where the report is to be used.
The report provides the right tricks and bits of advice needed for two people to come closer keeping all the differences away. This report helps you from making the relationship unhealthy or toxic with all the right answers to the problems faced by you.
There are so many things that can trouble a friendship, from time constraint to misunderstandings, but what if there was a way for you to solve any and every problem of a friendship.
This report is helping you do JUST that. The report is jammed packed with all the precise predictions and the correct information one needs to be able to make changes in their bond right away to be able to heal what has been damaged and save any further damage from being inflicted to the bond.
Are all friendships worth keeping?
Sometimes it happens that a relationship becomes toxic no matter how hard we try to save it, sometimes it becomes so suffocating that we contemplate whether it is wise to end it. There is the feeling of nostalgia stemming from the good memories you created with them that makes you unwilling to let go of that person and that bond.
All of us had at least have had one encounter with a dilemma similar to this where letting go and holding on was both causing pain, to both you and them. Maybe the right decision was made then or maybe failed to make the right one.
When it comes to letting go of someone, all the tiny little moments experienced with them keeps you from breaking it apart. But there are also times when holding on is making you suffer in other ways. Sometimes we are supposed to choose between the devil and the deep sea and we try our best to prolong the decision making process for as long as possible but that only results in making it even more bitter.
This report helps you with your dilemma. It tells you what the future of your friendship holds for you two. After finding out how it is going to be like, we get to make a decision based on all the facts, weighing all the good and bad experiences that the future has to bring your way. It uncovers all the troubles you’d have to go through for keeping your friendship afloat. It also breaks the truth to you about whether working for this relationship is beneficial or not. There are times when we find excuses to prove it to ourselves how someone has changed, or you have changed for good and now a relationship with them is going to be all flowers and rainbows. But what if those excuses are not the truth and it is just your emotional attachment that is making you choose something that might cause you harm.
This report is there to create awareness of how a relationship is going to affect you and if it is worth keeping or is better to burn all the bridges.
Long-distance friendships.
Being a long-distance couple is given so much importance that people forget that a long-distance friendship is just as hard and harsh for people involved in it.
With the world spreading, it has become common for people to go abroad or to different towns for further studies or jobs that long-distance friendships are now becoming a norm. Though the current technology allows us to stay connected with video calls, online calls, etc. many struggles still come with being in any sort of long-distance friendships including conflicting schedules, sometimes different time zones, new friends, and a lot more. Many friends start drifting away and the space between them gets all the more real.
A friendship report comes with all one needs to know for keeping a friendship strong no matter where and how far apart they may be. The report helps you overcome all kinds of possible trouble and problems with an accurate reading. It provides you with all kinds of key knowledge you need to become a better friend and improve your friendship.
It teaches you how to be there for your friends at all the right time and how to make them aware when you need them the most. It helps you get a better understanding of your friendship that makes it all the more easy and effortless for you to keep that special friend in your life.
Saving yourself from a fake friend.
There are many out there who only pretend to be your friend for some personal gain of theirs. They do not care about you or are there for you in the times of your need but are there for you in your happy moments to share the joyous moments. Always being present at the times when they could be benefitted in some ways but never when you need them. They would drain you of your energy and it would take you a lot of time to realize it and by then a lot of damage would have been done to you, your other relations, and also in other areas of your life.
Realizing who is a fake friend in our life is not an easy task to do because one thing they are good at doing is pretending to be the best of friends.
This report won’t fall for their tricks and would expose their reality to you so that you know who it is that you need to let go to lead a better and more fulfilling life.
Fake friends tend to bring you down, feeding the insecurities of your mind, betraying you and mocking you behind your back. Such friends, though teach us a great lesson does end up leaving a permanent scar to our perception of other friendship. This report works as your fake friend identifier.