Parts of the body Zodiacs love the most

Know which part of the body is your Zodiac’s favorite.

4 min readMay 10, 2021
Parts of the body Zodiacs love the most
Parts of the body Zodiacs love the most

When we look at ourselves in the mirror, it not the entire face we glance at in our reflection. We might look at our eyes twinkling or smile widening, we do not see the entire face at an instant. You must have noticed that some people have this weird habit of scratching the back of their neck or setting their hair. It could be a compulsive habit formed over time or they like that particular aspect of their body.

Astrologically speaking, Zodiacs do love certain body parts of their body based on their quirky traits. If you are interested in discovering which body part your Zodiac sign loves, then please keep on reading!


Aries’ favorite part of the body is the face.

Most of the Aries people, be it male or female spend the majority of the time grooming themselves and spending their money on products which enhance their outer beauty and their face. They love to catch their reflections wherever they can.


Taurus’ favorite part of the body is the hands.

Taurus’ people have long, thin, sometimes veiny hands which are beautiful to look at. They may not realize it but most Taurus is fond of rubbing their hands together or when engaged in a conversation within their social circle. They also use their hands a lot to gesticulate and transmit additional information. Similarly, they also notice when somebody has an attractive pair of hands.


Gemini’s favorite part of the body is arms.

Most of the Geminis, being an air sign, are fond of talking. They can chat all day and every day about anything. They just need a topic and they can go on chatting about it. So, to gesticulate better, a little bit like Taurus, Gemini uses their arms a lot while talking, especially when they are ranting about something.


Cancer’s favorite part of their body is the chest region.

Females who have Cancer as their Zodiac sign love the way they look. The sensitive part of a female Cancer zodiac person will be their breasts. So, they love to keep their posture straight and erect to be able to look presentable all the time.


Leo’s favorite part of their body is the buttocks.

Leos enjoy anything sensual and sexy. The very first thing that a Leo will notice is the shape of people’s buttocks. The circular outline of the buttocks is what draws them in the most.


Virgo’s favorite part of the body is back.

Virgos are fond of styling themselves to make their back look sexy and then flaunt it. Female Virgo people especially love to dress up in something that flaunts their sexy back!


Libra’s favorite part of the body is the eyes.

Libra is a zodiac sign which prefers authenticity and honesty over everything else. Libra’s have a wider social circle as they are considered the social butterfly but even though they can forge connections with many people, they can easily read them by looking in their eyes — whether they are fake or not fake.


A Scorpio’s favorite part of the body is thighs and genitals.

There’s just something that makes a Scorpio weak in the knees and it is thighs. The soft gentle skin of the thighs is something that arouses a Scorpio. Notoriously known as the sex maniac, Scorpios are masters in figuring out how to make a person draw towards them sexually.


A Sagittarius’ favorite part of the body is the lips and the dimples that form.

Sagittarius is a very youthful zodiac sign which is enamored by the way people smile in different styles. Sagittarius [people have a contagious zest for life that makes them stare a bit too long at someone.


Capricorn’s favorite part of the body is Knees.

Astrologically, Capricorn’s sensitive spot is the knees and it is also a part of the body which they like. Knees represent movement and agility and it is all that a Capricorn needs to move ahead in life working hard.


Aquarius’ favorite part of the body is the stomach.

Even though the sensitive spot for an Aquarius is feet and ankles, Aquarius enjoy looking at their and other people’s tummy. They enjoy it and deem it as the squishiest part of the human body. If they are married, they will be just stroking their wife’s gorgeous pregnant belly all day long.


Pisces’ favorite part of the body is hands and collarbone.

Pisces fall hard for people’s collarbone and their hands. They love observing the tiniest details of the person and drawing a metaphorical meaning out of it. However, Pisces, have sensitive feet astrologically.




Written by Feather

I’m an explorer of this cosmos & I believe there are deeper mysteries of life that needs to be unraveled. So, come along, read and join me in my journey :)

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