Ranking of the 12 zodiacs based on spirituality

7 min readJul 28, 2020


Spirituality is a very vast concept and it basically refers to the belief in something that is more powerful than us which usually refers to as Gods.

But being spiritual, doesn’t mean you have to be a theist. Sometimes, atheist can also be a spiritual person. It’s just a concept of believing in a power that is superior from all of us. When we are able to sense the presence of the superior power we are said to be enlightened.

People sometimes take up meditation and vegetarianism, practise yoga and refrain from sexual intercourse to attain spirituality. It increases the creativity within people and also makes them mentally strong. There are many beneficial impacts of spirituality in our lives.

There is a presence of spirituality in almost every person and even though people doesn’t understand but they are closely related to spirituality. Some people are more spiritual and on the other hand some are less. But there is a presence of certain amount of spirituality in every people’s lives.

But being spiritual means you don’t have any materialistic love in your life and you have other deep and meaningful aims that you want to achieve. You also have a very deep awareness of yourselves.

As we all know, we all are divided by astrology in 12 different zodiac signs or horoscopes. Thus, we have ranked these 12 signs according to spirituality. These are ranked from highest spirituality to the lowest.

1. Aquarius ( January 21 - February 18 )

Aquarius born are considered to be the most spiritual signs. They have a very deep sense of things around them and thus they are more into spirituality.

They are well read and intellectual signs which helps them to be aware about spirituality and other practises. They care about people and being more spiritual helps them to be a little more emphatetic than others.

They don’t get happiness from material success in their life rather they get huge amount of happiness by helping others who are in need. Aquarius people are usually involved with many philanthropic organisations. Because they feel they have a responsibility towards society and thus they always helps others.

2. Pisces ( February 19 - March 20 )

Pisces are another highly spiritual signs. Their mind is very powerful and extremely creative. The sense of judgement based on success like money, fame and power never impresses them.

They are more interested towards self growth and living a more meaningful life where they can enjoy most out of their life. Their life is never about things like earning more money, becoming famous and powerful rather they prefer becoming a better person of themselves, and being more aware of their own self.

Their mind is their greatest power and they can achieve anything with their mind. Their love for reading and imagining various things in their mind strengthens their creativity even more.

3. Sagittarius ( November 23 - December 21 )

Sagittarius are someone who is never from the group of people who have considered their work as the most important priority in their life. They are chilled out signs and invests most of their time in enjoying their life so that they don’t regret spending most of the time in their workplace rather than experiencing new things.

They are considered to be very spiritual and at the same time intellectual as well. Their mind is very strong and have gained immense knowledge which makes them intelligent and experienced signs in life. They don’t get attracted to big houses and luxuries rather they will prefer living in a small house but being happy in their life. Happiness is the only thing that they crave in their life.

4. Leo ( July 23 - August 23 )

Leo are the signs who are considered to have the strongest mind set. They are fearless signs and never let their mind control their actions and opinions.

They are determined to achieve greatness in their life which obviously is a result of a strong mind.

Only a spiritual person will going to have this amount of control and power over their mind. Leos will be able to use their mind so that they can get the most out of it. They know very well the consequences of giving control to the mind and thus, they won’t let that happen.

They are aware of the things that can make them the strongest and weakest hence, they closely look into bettering themselves.

5. Scorpio ( October 24 - November 22 )

Scorpio are someone who have an average spirituality level within them. They can sometimes lose their control over mind and can become violent. At the same time, they are not that luxurious as well.

They prefer a simple lifestyle. The only thing that makes their mind less spiritual is their anger issues. The want for power and control can starts to control their mind and which in turn can make them someone who are less spiritual.

But they have a great understanding of world. They are strong mentally and are also conscious in their life.

6. Libra ( September 24 - October 23 )

Libras do have an attraction for luxurious lifestyle. They are someone who gets highly impressed by expensive dresses, big houses and cars. This is because they have a low understanding and acceptance of spirituality in their life.

They don’t consider it as something that is relevant for them. The impact of not being into spirituality can be easily seen in their life. They are not even organised with their life. They often suffers from mental issues. Small failures can easily break them because their mind is so weak and fragile.

A mind can break and build someone’s life. It can be the greatest and at the same time worst thing to have.

7. Gemini ( May 21 - June 21 )

Another sign that have a huge interest over getting material sucess rather than focusing on making themselves better are Gemini. They can become highly competitive and because of this they suffers from mental issues a lot.

Competition is good when it is in a healthy state. But when you get highly influenced by competitive nature then it can start affecting yourself. They never care about analysing whether they are improving or not the only thing they care about is becoming better than the rest so that everyone likes and admires them.

They want people to like them and when they don’t get the expected results, it can frustrate them a lot. These things are due to the lack of spirituality in one’s life.

8. Capricorn ( December 22 - January 21 )

Capricorn are in general very mature and organised signs. But they can become vulnerable and weak when life hits them. The only trait of a spiritual mind is that they becomes strong such that nothing can affect them to an extent that they won’t be able to pull themselves again.

A spiritual mind will be filled with positivity and enthusiasm and thus whatever hardships may knock on the door, the spiritual mind will be able to fight with it. Thus, a non spiritual mind is weak and can easily break with failures, rejections, breakups etc.

9. Taurus ( April 21 - May 20 )

Taurus are highly emotional signs which can be seen in their personality as well. Their low self confidence and faith in themselves makes them mentally very weak.

Taurus can get easily affected by little things and once their emotions starts to overpower themselves then it becomes very difficult for a Taurus to fight back. Lack of spirituality can be a huge reason behind their weak mind set.

They are also very attracted to luxury in their life. They define success and failure by considering money and fame. This is the reason they sometimes consider themselves unsuccessful because they don’t have large amount of money and fame in their life.

But in reality, sucess is bigger than that. It does not depend totally on money and fame.

10. Cancer ( June 22 - July 22 )

Cancer are a very practical signs. They never have high expectations from people as well as life. They never pays attention to people and their judgements.

Considering these traits, one can easily categorise Cancers as a very spiritual signs. But in reality, they are someone who are not that strong mentally. They can easily fall in love and believe in people which sometimes they have to suffer from.

Not all people can be believed but Cancers can believe in people very easily and sometimes get attached to them to an extent that it becomes difficult for them to forget them.

This is the reason, they suffer highly from love and relationships issues. When they get emotionally attached to people then they become weak otherwise they are very strong.

11. Aries ( March 21 - April 20 )

Aries loves attention and care. Thus, they are someone who loves fame and attention. They are a very social person and thus they are used to getting frequent praises and appreciations from people.

But this thing is not always the same. People might not love Aries sometimes, but this can irritate Aries a lot. Their need for attention makes them mentally weak. They have a very strong personality and are charming as well. But not everytime people will get attracted to them and will praise them.

Their need for attention and fame makes them mentally weak. People can easily manipulate them by giving them attention and fame they aspire. But this is not correct because fame is a very superficial thing and sometimes it can make us overconfident and we feel we are superior from everything, but in reality we are not.

12. Virgo ( August 24 - September 23 )

Virgos are someone who are hungry for luxury and materialistic wealth in their life. They don’t care about fulfillment or having a different perspective towards life. But they always prefer money and fame to be the signs of success in one’s life.

This is the reason they sometimes pressurize themselves a lot to work more and more so that they can earn and become rich. The pressure and stress gives them mental illness. You can observe a lot of times that Virgos are suffering from mental health isssues such as depression, stress, sleeping disorders etc.

They never give attention to their mental health and this is the reason they are considered to be someone who is least spiritual.




Written by Feather

I’m an explorer of this cosmos & I believe there are deeper mysteries of life that needs to be unraveled. So, come along, read and join me in my journey :)

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