Take your relationship in your hands.

9 min readJul 11, 2020


People get into a relationship being completely unaware of what is to come their way. They start the journey with their partner and hope to have the best of experiences and the least of struggle.

In movies, shows, and books, love is portrayed so simply that everyone watching or reading it understands that the hard part is only finding and attaining love. But in reality, the hardest part is keeping the love strong even after years of falling in love.

Love is a very bizarre emotion. There is no one out there who can say that they understand this emotion entirely. It is beyond human understanding and no two people feel the love in the same way. Real love is way more complicated and complex compared to what is shown in all those romantic movies but it is just as beautiful and magical.

Every love story is different; some stories start miserably, some end miserably, while some are just magical throughout. Understanding any love story is not easy, even when it is our own relationship we are trying to decipher.

People do fall in love but most fail to keep the flame going between them while some still have that magical passion between them even after several years have gone by.

Trusted Teller comes to assist us when we are faced with any such troubles.

Their Romantic forecast couple report helps one understand the various dynamics of one’s relationship with their partner. This report helps one acknowledge all the neglected areas of their love life that keeps the potential of causing major damage to their relationship.

They create the reports manually without using any API or computerized system. Their Vedic astrologers create a detailed and accurate report by carefully examining your birth chart and horoscope and also that of your partner’s. They look at all the details with precision, reading every aspect minutely, and then producing a very apt and informative report. The report’s accuracy helps people make the right decision based on facts.

They take about 24 hours to make predictions and create a report that can change one’s relationship in all aspects.

There are various reasons why a relationship fails. Even when loyalty and love prevail, problems can arise owing to the many other circumstances the couple has to endure and has no control over.

This report helps couples of all kinds, for dealing with problems to simply improving their relationship.

Partners who are always busy.

Career is very important in this era, and one could be running blindly behind their goals but that doesn’t always mean that they don’t value their relationship enough. There are so many people out there who used to be so blindly in love and crazy about their partner but now their career has taken so much of their daily time that they don’t have enough time for their partner.

This situation could be mutual; both the partners could be busy thriving in their field and not have enough time for the relationship. This situation could also be faced by only one of the partners, the other one could be busy in their field making it hard for one person to keep on working in heed of the relationship.

In such cases, despite being still very much in love, the couple starts drifting apart and this causes them to suffer drastic relationship issues.

This report gives you insight into all that you are doing wrong within all the areas of your relationship and also provides ways that these problems could be eliminated.

Couples going through stagnancy.

Any relationship is beneficial when there is a scope of change and development. A relationship needs excitement and the feeling of anticipation to be able to thrive in circumstances.

Having stability is no doubt one of the most important criteria of a long-lasting relationship, but when there is no scope of changes, improvement, and development or going to another level, there comes the feeling of stagnancy in the relationship.

This is not an issue if the couple has spent years together and have had their fair share of excitement and novelty. But when the relationship is in its early phase, stagnancy is seen as a very big drawback.

If it isn’t helping you grow, it is bringing you down.

The report comes to you guiding you not only to know how to heal a relationship that has been damaged. And at the same time, this report also uncovers if being in the relationship is beneficial for both you and your partner or not, if the relationship is worth being saved or not.

Stagnancy is a problem commonly faced by many people of the current generation and has become a very major reason for the ending of a relationship. The report also comes with solutions to this, helping you turn this feeling of stagnancy to that of excitement. With the use of astrology, you get the advice based on science and the stars and you are likely to succeed every time.

A relation struggles when the people involved have changed too much, but it also struggles when they haven’t changed at all.

The couple who have changed a lot.

People change when in love and many times it happens that in this inevitable process of changing they grow apart from each other. Falling in love with your high school crush is magical, but growing up together, people sometimes realise that their partner is no more the person they fell in love with.

Too much change could be harmful to a relationship. The direction, pace, or even intensity is not something that we get to control. But what we can control is how to not leave your partner behind at any point in time when you are evolving for good.

The key to growing with your partner has more to do than just good communication. This report is a complete guide for this process of growing and change without growing apart.

The world is very fast-paced now and we are expected to keep on evolving all the time. We just have to work hard to keep our relationship from struggling and getting stagnant with time and help it grow. This report has all the answers to your doubts and it lights up the path you need to follow for a better and improved relationship.

With this report, you and your partner can keep your relationship from experiencing stagnancy as well as growing apart. This report ensures that you and your partner keep on evolving and you do it together and get your relationship from the weak stages to the very stable and strong one.

Conflict habituated couples.

According to psychology, conflicts make any relationship stronger, that some good results from disagreement. But at the same time, too much conflict could be a big issue for the relationship.

Too much conflict can cause distress in their personal life. Not only would it result in reducing the love felt for the partner, but it also increases the chance of one or both of the partners to look for love outside of their relationship.

Conflict habituated relationship usually begins from negative emotion, for instance, falling in love because of the petty arguments and regular fights. This is not a big deal if the fights cease to exist or lessen with time, letting other emotions and normal conversations occur. But if arguments and fights take a lot of the couple’s life, they are going to think of ending the relationship in no time soon.

Regular fights on petty things, pointless arguments, and constant snide comments are going to force the partners away from each other which is not a good thing for the relationship.

The report helps you get back on track with bits of advice on how to solve the conflicts without having to fight or argue about something. The report makes the couple acknowledge the harm that their conflicts are causing to them as a couple and also as individuals. With perfectly detailed and accurate information, you get to eliminate doubts and drama from your relationship. You can uncover the next step to your relationship with this professional reading and get yourself and your partner in a stable, strong, fulfilling, and peaceful relationship.

Every relationship has troubles and issues that are hard to solve. You don’t have to be one of the couples that are used to having regular fights or have problems. Sometimes all it takes for a relationship to end is a single big fight or a single unsolvable problem.

The report lets you and your partner take control of your relationship back from the fights and problems. The report tells you how you and your partner can team up and fight against the problem until it is solved and be stronger together.

Filled with predictions about your relationship, this report is to get your relationship from a conflicted one to a very stable and strong one in a very less period.

Coming back from the worst.

Sometimes the issues get so out of hand that breaking up was the only solution you and your partner could think of. But breaking up didn’t seem to have fared well with either of you because the love between you two didn’t lessen despite everything. Conflicts and issues failed to steal the love between you two and if you are planning or have already gotten back with your ex, there are always some things that you can and should avoid to save your relationship this time.

Getting back with your ex is always a tough decision to make and there is always this fear in mind that things might return to how they were before and you’d again have to break up.

This report is exactly what you need from stopping anything like this from happening. It uncovers the truth about if you and your partner would overcome the incredible and the worst. It helps you and your partner regain trust for each other and guides you both to make sound decisions about your relationship. The report is prepared in a way that you have all the information you need to move towards development both as couples and as individuals. The report leads you to have a better and improved couple life and you’d never once in your relationship miss being single or have doubt about your partner again.

Q. How to know when to let the relationship go?

Holding on to something or someone that is not meant for you is not only causing you harm, it is also stopping you from meeting the one who IS meant for you. It hinders your chance at finding your true love and it is also causing you and your current partner harm in all aspects of life. It is a hard and bitter truth but for a successful relationship and peace of mind, letting someone go who isn’t made for you is the correct thing to do.

This report tells you the bitter truth about if you and your partner are meant to be together or not. If it is beneficial for you people to break your relationship and go separate ways. Or if you people can make it work no matter how unsolvable the problems are.

Q. How can this report help a relationship out?

Romantic forecast report is created with the powerful rules of Astrology, carefully examining your birth chart and zodiac and also that of your partner.

Compatibility between couples can be predicted by looking at their zodiac. Not all zodiac signs show compatibility. Some zodiac signs tend to be more compatible together than others.

Planetary placements and birth chart helps astrologers to predict about a relationship. They predict what possible problems could be faced in the future. They predict the good and bad times in the future of the relationship. But not only that, this report guides you through all that time. Just because your zodiac signs have a low compatibility rate, you need to break the relationship right?

This report helps you compensate for this lacking of zodiac sign compatibility. It helps you in increasing your compatibility with astrological means. The report is full of guidelines and tips on how to improve your relationship by all means possible. This report provides you with insights on how to make your relationship fulfilling for both you and your partner and how to overcome all incredible things that are to come both your way.




Written by Feather

I’m an explorer of this cosmos & I believe there are deeper mysteries of life that needs to be unraveled. So, come along, read and join me in my journey :)

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