The 7 types of love.



It is no secret that romance is a vital part of any person’s life. Be it a teenager, or an adult in his early twenties or late sixties, romance is something everyone hopes to experience and searches for everywhere around them.

Love is that one force that provides us with hope even during our toughest times; it provides us with energy, excitement and happiness, passion, a home, and a life worth living. Everyone needs love to survive and wants love to be happy. Everyone’s experience with love is confusing, challenging, and at the same time very refreshing. People have a hard time understanding the changes they go through when they are in love, and many times they are very confused as to how to keep going further, or if they should go further.

Love could be a scary thing as it evokes different emotions in us, it challenges us completely and once we have tasted what love is, we can never be the same again.

There is no one definition of love. No one path that everyone would follow when they experience love. Everyone encounter loves differently and thus encounters change differently. There is no one manual or guide about love that is going to help everyone when it comes to this matter, but god! Have we wished there was something that could help us out, with advice that works all the time!

Well, there is something that can help someone in such an exciting yet scary moment.

Romantic forecast report is the solution to our problems. Helping us unlock the future of our love life, it helps us understand the dynamics of both the relationship and the changes partners would experience in them. No one manual can help all of us right? So instead, this manual is made individually for us, answering our personal questions, directing us in our combat with understanding our situation.

Trusted Teller is a reputed place where the best Vedic astrologers are present to empower us in all our times of need. They bring to us the solution to our troubles and they help us understand our unique situation. They do not trust an API or any computerized system to curate a perfect report for us, knowing that accuracy is important. They create this report manually, carefully going over our details and creating a report for us. They understand that this report keeps the potential to influence us and our decisions and thus it is important that precision and accuracy are on point and that it doesn’t mislead people into making decisions that might be wrong for them. They carefully examine the details and deliver to us the most accurate and precise report possible.

Understanding LOVE is something psychology has been trying to do for decades. They are still struggling with how to define this feeling. But, there is a triangular theory of love, proposed by a reputed psychologist, Robert Sternberg. This theory makes love a little bit more clear in our heads and though we still cannot understand it completely, it is enough for us to be able to empower ourselves in our relationship.

According to this theory, there are three components of love: Intimacy, passion, and commitment. Intimacy is the closeness, connection, and emotional bonds between the couple. Passion reflects the intensity of one’s desire for their partner, including romantic attachment as well as sexual desires. And lastly, commitment reflects one’s decision to stay in a relationship no matter what comes in their way.

This theory makes us get a glimpse into what a healthy and successful romantic relationship has to be like. It helps us understand what it is a relationship that needs to possess to be fulfilling mentally, emotionally, and physically. And it also helps us to understand where we stand in our relationship.

According to this model, there are seven types of love that Sternberg has described. Understanding which type of love your relationship experiences and deciding which type of love you want to experience can help you comprehend your relationship and also what types of changes you need to make in your relationship to make it fulfilling as per your wishes and needs.


This type of relationship is more often close to friendship than a romantic relationship. This is usually high on intimacy, i.e., there is an emotional bond between the individual; there are closeness and connection between the couple. But passion and commitment are not present.

This is generally the phase before two people start dating or get into a romantic relationship.

The romantic forecast report can help you understand if you are meant to fall in love with this individual, if there would be other elements, apart from intimacy, present between you two. It also helps you understand what you might need to do to direct this casual dating or friendship towards a successful romantic relationship.


This type of love has intimacy as well as a commitment between them but lacks passion. This usually happens late in marriage or any relationship when the fire of passion has faded and ceased to exist. The relationship lasts, because both intimacy and commitment has not only made the couple attached, they have this need of companionship that is fulfilled by their partner.

Such a relationship can get boring because, without passion, the adventures that love brings can lessen or stop completely.

The report comes to you with guidelines on how you can direct your love life towards a place that is filled with passion, it tells you what you need to do for you love life to have passion back in it. When you have been together with someone for several years, there is no element of surprise left, and this result in the amount of passion going down and at one point, it completely vanishes. So this report brings all that you need to do to bring that fire back in your life and make your relationship exciting again.

Empty love.

This type of love is full of commitment and lacks both intimacy and passion. This type of love is usually experienced between a couple who have drifted apart and are together only for the sake of commitment they made maybe years ago. This is the most common type of relationship seen, especially in marriages that didn’t come out of love.

This report can help people who are in this type of relationship. It comes with guidelines to empower people and bring into their relationship what it is missing. The report would tell the couple what kind of changes they need to bring in their demeanor and their relationship dynamics to be able to bring passion and intimacy in the relationship.

Fatuous love.

This love includes both passion and commitment. This is the type of love most relationship experiences when they jumped straight to being in a relationship without getting close. There is a very satisfying physical relationship between the couple and there is also commitment between them to be together, yet they lack intimacy which can lead to them being in a lot of arguments.

This report brings you the information you need to change your relationship pattern to bring intimacy between you and your partner. It gives accurate and precise predictions about your relationship and prepares you for what your future holds.

It brings you and your partner closer and helps you be empowered in love and move towards the thing that your relationship lacks.


This is the MOST common type of love experienced by the present generation. It is full of passion but neither is there any commitment nor intimacy. The relationship is usually that of a physical one and satisfies all of a person’s sexual needs and desires.

This relationship is one that lasts very little, if commitment and intimacy don’t find its way in the relationship, it ends very early.

This report tells you how to shift your relationship from being completely physical to being one that is strengthened by emotional connection as well as spiritual. This report becomes your helping hand and guides you towards the place where you and your partner can bring intimacy as well as the commitment to your relationship. Moreover, it even informs the individual if this relationship keeps the potential to reach one of the higher forms of love that goes beyond physical or if it going to stay the same. By knowing this, one gets to decide if they want to keep on going with a relationship that has no scope of changing or do they wish to search their real love in someone else.

Romantic love.

This love is filled with passion and intimacy. This is another common type of love experienced by this generation. There is sufficient intimacy between the partners and a bright fire of passion, but all they need is a little bit of struggle and they would break the relationship. There is no feeling of commitment and hence this relationship only needs to encounter a basic problem for it to end.

The report comes with predictions so that the couple can prepare beforehand for anything that is going to bring trouble in their relationship. The couple is informed to make a decision based on facts instead of emotions. The couple also gets pieces of advice to be able to bring a commitment to their relationship. They experience calm and can eliminate all the worry as they know what their future holds and at the same time strengthen their relationship by bringing a commitment to their love.

Consummate love.

This is the highest form of love, comprising of all three elements. Filled with intimacy, passion, and also commitment, this love is the ultimate goal for any couple to attain. When this type of love is present in any relationship, there is everything present. The couple is satisfied mentally, emotionally as well physically. And most importantly, it lasts the longest.

This is a relationship where you and your partner are each other’s best friend, you have a very fulfilling sex life and at the same time, you never decide to move in a different direction no matter how tough the situation becomes.

Reaching this type of love could be difficult if the partner is not right. The report answers this difficult question and tells you if you can attain this love with your current partner, letting you decide whether you should consider staying together or working harder for your relationship.

The report also helps you by making you understand what changes you need to bring in your relationship to be able to attain this form of love life.

And lastly, the most important thing, that is, how to make it last. Passion, intimacy, and commitment can be attained. Reaching this level is not as hard as always staying at this level. One of these three components, or sometimes all three of them can start fading and cease to exist. The relationship is doomed once this happens.

The most difficult thing is to keep all these three things strong in a relationship. This report comes with all the guidelines you need to keep your relationship full of all three of these important elements. It keeps you informed of all the major changes that you might need to make for anything coming in the future.

The predictions it provides gives to us information about what lays in our path and how we need to prepare for it. It enlightens us with the most accurate information about our future so that we don’t struggle with the situation blindly when it arises and we face it properly with our partner in our team instead of doing it against them.

Understanding what type of love you and your partner experience in the relationship make you comprehend the relationship and also improve it. With this understanding and the romantic forecast report, you can make the most of your relationship. You can improve it and be prepared for all that lays in your path. Move towards a better, improved, and satisfying love life with the report.



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