There are in total 12 different zodiac signs existing in Astrology. Each one of us are divided among these 12 zodiac signs.
There are different ways of predicting the zodiac but the most common way is by using the date of birth. The date of birth can easily predict the zodiac of an individual.
Following are the list of zodiac signs. Each sign has a specific traits or characteristics and below we have discussed about the most common traits that each sign possess.
1. Aries
Aries typically are extroverts. They love to meet new people and are always looking for some new experiences. They are confident signs as well. They can be great public speakers, influencers etc.
Apart from these, they are ambitious as well. They lack patience at times which they should work upon. But they have got big dreams in their life. They are hard working and honest signs.
2. Taurus
Taurus are opposite from Aries. Their characteristics are more like an introvert. They are shy and doesn’t like to meet new people. They sometimes possess confidence related issues. Taurus have a low self - confidence because they don’t believe in themselves much. Taurus can easily get manipulated if you know their emotions well. They make decisions by the influence of emotions and thus sometimes, people take advantages of them.
3. Gemini
Gemini have a similar behavioural trait like an Aries. They are very confident and outgoing in nature. They loves to do crazy things in their life. Sometimes they fails to make decisions in their life as they can easily get bored of a particular thing. Gemini are super ambitious as well. They are great in planning but are indecisive. But the one thing that always works on their favour is their great communication skills. They know how to communicate with people and manipulate them.
4. Cancer
Cancers are introverts in nature. But they have a lot of confidence in them. But still they don’t feel comfortable in front of lot of people. They are shy and doesn’t like to invest their time with people. They are workaholics. Work makes them happiest. Cancers are loyal as well. They believe in honesty. Trust is very important for cancers in every aspect of life whether it is personal or professional.
5. Leo
Leos are confident and fearless signs. They always want to rule the world just like Lions. They have strong and powerful mind set. They never get scared by anyone. Their determination towards their life is very inspiring. Leos are famous for their leadership skills. They can lead big teams very nicely and are efficient professionals. They are also ambitious and are very disciplined in life.
6. Virgo
Virgos are not shy but they do like staying away from people. They are extremely picky with their choices and have a very small circle of friends in their life. They behave as if they are introverts but in reality they ignores people so that they can do what feels productive to them. They always want to be perfect in everything they do. Hence, they sometimes give lots of pressure on themselves to get the required results.
7. Libra
Libras are extremely soft and empathetic signs. They get emotionally driven on things very easily. They care a lot about all the people in their life and always feel responsible for them. They love their families and friends a lot. Libras are hard working signs as well. Their honesty and dedication can be seen in their work.
8. Scorpio
Scorpios are very sensitive and a passionate signs. They have given huge importance to love and relationships in their life. They are affectionate signs and always shows lots of love to their closed ones. They always look for meaningful relationships in their life. They have a very ambitious side as well. Scorpios are believed to have a lot of sexual energy. Physical intimacy is a very important factor for Scorpios in relationships. Their outlook in life is very simple. They don’t look for luxury in their life.
Sagittarius are carefree signs. They always look for enjoyment in their life. Travel, parties, dinners etc. are some activities that they love. Sometimes, they fear from committing to any relationships or jobs that they know they can’t do or stay happy. They are also a very chilled out signs. Their love for their freedom is very necessary and they won’t get attached to any thing that will mess their freedom.
Capricorn are very professional and disciplined signs. They are looking forward to new ambitions in their life. They can be little pessimistic about their life but their ambitious nature can fight with it. Their discipline in their life makes them achieve great things in their life. The only factor that needs to be worked upon is their negative thinking. They sometimes can become so pessimistic about their life that they give up on many things. They should be more optimistic and keep working hard. They can achieve greatness in their life.
11. Aquarius
Aquarius are very famous for their philanthropy works. They feel that it is their responsibility to better the society. They closely work with NGO, and other organization to bring change in the world. They always help people who are in need. Their happiness comes when they are able to help people that needs their support. Aquarius can overthink a lot in their life. They have a tendency to get tensed very easily and starts to overthink with every situation.
12. Pisces
Pisces are a typical introverts. They hates being around people. Their love and happiness comes when they are in their own house and spending time reading, singing and doing other creative stuffs. They also imagine a lot. Most of the time, they imagine things on their head because of which they expects things that cannot be fulfilled. Their imagination can also make them addicted to drugs. This is the reason, Pisces are considered to be a very fragile sign. They can easily get hurt or influenced.