Relationships are a very huge part of one’s life. Especially when you love your partner and see a future with them. If you haven’t taken the step yet, the thought of marrying them is there in your head. You wish to grow with them, start a family with them; you want to get old with them. You have your life planned with them, full of dreams, happiness, and expectations.
But how can we know if our relationship is strong enough to move to that big a step? How to know if the relationship will last? How does one know if they and their partner are a good match? How to know if they and their partner would be happy together in the future too?
And most importantly, have they found ‘The one?’
All of us are a bit cynical about love; either because we have been hurt pretty bad previously or because we have never experienced this feeling before. Love is a difficult emotion to comprehend, it changes us and our life entirely and everyone at one point doubts this feeling. And thanks to pop culture and the celebrities that are in everyone’s eyes, the distorted image of love is in our mind and we cannot look at love as something that would always last. BUT…
Real love DOES last and can beat all odds.
Doubt is a poison for all relationships and couples must eliminate these feelings right at the beginning. They can talk it out, understand their relationship better, or maybe ask for external help. But if doubt has become persistent and is getting hard to eliminate, if there is too much scepticism about the lasting of one’s relationship, there is something that could help anyone experiencing this.
Future of current relationship report is what you need to gift your relationship. For anyone in doubt or anyone about to take a major decision for their relationship, this report is going to be your manual full of dos and don’ts. Helping you understand and improve your relationship so that it is happier and lasting.
Trusted Teller brings the best report that aims to provide all of us with detailed predictions of our current relationship. They have a talented and dedicated group of Vedic astrologer who brings to us a very precise and accurate report.
They do not trust any API or computerized system to create a detailed and accurate report. At this place, these reports are created manually. They know the importance of precision and understand that the report keeps the potential to influence our decisions and thus they give extra importance to accuracy.
They do not rush this process and take 24 hours to carefully examine the details of the couple and minutely create a report for the couple, based on their unique circumstances, giving them answers for their specific situations.
Love is a journey many are afraid of and yet a journey everyone wants to experience. This is that adventure that would completely change a person, challenge them, overwhelm them, and yet something one very much needs in their life because, without it, one hasn’t experienced the best that life has to offer.
Not everyone experiences the same kind of love story; there are no two couples with the same story, with some issues and hence, it is not possible to group relationships under categories. Though relationships are hard to group under categories, there is five most common type of relationship that is seen and experienced. Understanding which relationship you are into can help you make sense of it and also make correct decisions that help you improve your relationship. It can even help you know in which direction does your relationship needs to grow and improve.
Controlling relationship.
These relationships are more often toxic to one of the partners. The dominant partner could be intentionally or unintentionally controlling the other, but to help out their partner. They could become so dominant that they start taking major decisions for the relationship and even the other person’s decision that the partner is completely against. Though their intentions are usually good, their method is usually harming the relationship, as well as their partner. There is not enough independence in the relationship for the recessive partner, and it becomes toxic for that partner. While, for the dominant partner, the relationship sometimes feels bleak as they do become dominant out of a habit and sometimes just want their partner to be happy. While there are also times when their intentions are selfish and intentional and in such cases, they couldn’t be happier, they feel that the relationship is the best thing to happen to both of them. These relationships usually result in a very bad break up or a divorce.
If you or anyone you know is in such a relationship, you must be aware of how arguments and power struggles are commonly experienced. But one need not be so worried because things can be changed for the good.
This tense relationship can also be transformed into a better one. This report firstly tells you if one should fight for the relationship to last or if it is a better option to let go. It tells if the relationship is going to stay just the way it is or is there a chance of improvement. It also tells if both the members are going to be benefitted by the relationship or is it going to be harmful in the longer run.
The report is also full of pieces of useful advice that would benefit the relationship a lot. It would guide the couple to move forward, to improve, and to eliminate anything harmful.
Active-Passive relationship.
People usually get into a relationship with someone opposite to them. This might work for many but at times this becomes the reason for creating major troublesome issues. Sometimes both the members could be responsible for being involved in the relationship in the differential equation. For instance, one member could be doing all the ‘heavy lifting’ of problems in the relationship while the other is relieved of such struggles. These relationships are not balanced, and sometimes the active person could become frustrated with having to be the sole person working for the relationship to be successful.
These relationships have a good start, with the active person thinking that the partner is just taking time to completely get involved in the relationship, but when time passes and the other partner is still staying passive in the relationship, problems start to arise.
If you are an active person in your relationship, this report tells you if the relationship is going to benefit you in the future or is it better that you reconsider the relationship. You also get to know ways you can make your partner understand your situation while you also understand theirs. This would help you work your relationship dynamics out.
And if you are the passive one and you want to change things but you do not how, this report can help you. It brings to you prediction about your relationship and you get time to prepare for the future and work things out. The report helps you understand your situation and guides you into becoming active in the relationship too.
Aggressive relationship.
Unlike the dominant relationship, this relationship doesn’t involve a partner who is looking out for their partner. Instead, it is more about feeling in charge, more about being in power. The other person acts more out of fear rather than being passive or recessive.
In these relationships, the submissive partner suffers mentally as well as physically. This relationship usually doesn’t involve real conflict out of fear and thus help is usually not asked for.
The accommodating partner is usually walking on eggshells laid down by the power-thirsty partner. This type of relationship could sometimes also be categorized as being a narcissistic one.
This report helps anyone having to go through such a relationship. It tells the individual if they need to keep on suffering longer, if there is going to be an improvement in the future or if the relationship would change in the future. This report also tells one if they need to break the relationship, separate ways because of the possibility of future sufferings and if the nature of the relationship would become more harmful with time.
The report is full of guidelines to help you understand the dynamic of the relationship, it helps you understand if the relationship keeps the potential to harm you or would it help you grow.
Disconnected relationship.
This relationship works on autopilot. With very little connection between the partners, the couple is only in the relationship for the sake of it. They have nothing in common; they don’t even know each other that well. They have a boring and stagnant relationship; they also lack vulnerability and intimacy.
There is an unintentional coldness between them. This relationship can also be called a formal relationship, very similar to that between colleagues.
This relationship usually comes later in marriage, when the couple has been together for so long that they started drifting apart. They grew in the same house but didn’t grow together and there is a lot new happening to both of the partners but each of them is not aware of this. This usually happens when the couple didn’t marry for the sake of love but different reasons like status or something self centered. They do not have any topics they could talk about.
The start of such a type of relationship could be predicted. People start getting into conflicts and instead of solving; they push it under the rug and start avoiding conversation on any topic that can lead to conflicts. They slowly start avoiding intimacy and drifting apart till they are completely stranded on two different corners of the island.
The report can help a couple stay away from reaching this level. It can tell beforehand if there is a chance for the couple to be moving towards a relationship like this. The couple would have detailed information and prediction about their relationship and would get to prepare and make decisions that can help them improve their relationship and also change the course of their relationship.
For a relationship that has already been stranded, the report comes with the information about whether one should keep the relationship or is it better to leave their partner. It also brings to them guidelines upon how their relationship can be changed and stirred towards a better and happier future together.
These types of couples experience the best side of the relationship. They work together as a team. They make their relationship out of a partnership, where both the individual has an equal share in decision making. They recognize and accept their strengths as well as flaws. They are independent and have a strong bond with each other. It is not like they do not face problems. Like any other couple, they face a lot of relationship threatening problems. But they work through it and evolve stronger. They can work through any difficulty in their life or their relationship together. They work to solve the problem together, fighting the problem, not each other and are thus in a very successful and fulfilling relationship.
This is the ideal type of relationship people dream of and wish to achieve. If you are in a relationship like this, congratulation! But if you are not, this report can help you with it.
The report answers difficult questions about your relationship, it tells you if the relationship would always stay the same or if it would change with time. It also tells if this potential change would be good for the relationship or not. The report gives you ample advice that you need to improve your relationship and bring it to the level you think would benefit you and your partner the most. It brings accurate predictions about the relationship that helps the couple be prepared for what their future holds and this increases the strength between the couple.
Relationships could be tough when there is a lack of understanding and equity, but with this report, you can bring both of that in the relationship and grow stronger as a couple.