What real love is made of.



Love is a complex emotion and no matter how much this feeling has been romanticised, nobody understands it. It keeps a very important place for a human, for your mental as well as physical health. Love works as great antidepressants, but at the same time, feeling unloved or not having enough connection, the human keeps a high chance of developing various mental health issues including depression and anxiety disorders.

The ideas of love in the minds of youth has been so much influenced by pop culture, all the romcoms famous on Netflix or prime, all the romantic books that people have been rereading frequently. But the problem with this is, not only do they contain unrealistic themes, but there are many times so much toxicity in the love portrayed in these places that people fail to understand that there are so many several things that are just NOT okay.

We, the youth of today, are surrounded by these mass ideas that love is easy, that we need not do much to achieve it, or to keep it. We get controlling, demanding, irresponsible, and misunderstanding some other feeling to be love. Love is selfless, not self-centred. It is powerful and loyal and full of imperfections, not ideal.

The generation these days thinks that if anything is difficult, it isn’t love.

A quote from a very famous Elizabethan poet and playwright, someone who is known by everyone for the many books of love he has written, Shakespeare, himself has to say how love isn’t easy.

“The course of love never did love smooth.”

-Shakespeare, in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

But this generation, they do not keep the same thinking.

When you think you have found someone, when you think what you feel for that someone is love, when you are in doubt, Love compatibility report is what you need to understand your love life and also the compatibility between you and your partner.

Trusted Teller brings a helping hand to all the youth of this generation who has learned what love is not from their parents, but from the series, movies, books, and songs they are into.

With the best Vedic astrologers, they create a report manually for you. Not keeping their faith or trust in the hands of technology, they do not use any API or computer system to create a report for you. Instead, they do it manually and thus bring to you the most accurate and precise predictions that aim to empower you in all aspects of your love life.

They understand how essential accuracy is and they know how much this report keeps the potential for someone to change their mind. And hence, rushing this process isn’t the way that would help deliver excellence. So they take about 24 hours to create a report just for you and your situation. They carefully examine your details and minutely create a report with predictions and guidelines for you to be successful in your love life no matter what problems you face.

Love is a feeling that can turn your world upside down, it can bring a surplus of happiness in your life, it brings support, and hope, courage and a passion that can help you survive anything.

So many people confuse love with feelings like jealousy and possessiveness, ownership, etc. and thanks to pop culture, the youth of now cannot differentiate love and something toxic and controlling.

Keeping my mind away from pop culture, here are some characteristics of real love:


The most important thing for love is acceptance. If we want our partner to change for us, to become more affectionate, or bold, or more ambitious, or more outgoing… are we even in love with them or the idea of them? When we are in love with someone, we love all their traits, from the one they show everyone, to the ones they hide. We do not want to change them, but instead, we love them for who they are.

This report brings to you an account of the compatibility between you and your partner and tells you if acceptance would be something easily found in your relationship or would you people have to struggle during the entire relationship to bring acceptance.


There are so many movies and series I can think of when I say that they have completely ruined this idea in our heads. Being in love means we become possessive of them. To some extent it is okay, but when someone gets controlling, someone starts dictating their partner’s life on behalf of taking care and possessiveness, that is a toxic trait right there. But this ‘toxic’ trait is portrayed in such a romantic way on the reel screen that we fail to understand how bad it could be when encountered in real life.

Love is where freedom is. Partners allow each other to make their own decisions, own mistakes, they do not control, do not dedicate, and do NOT force each other to comply with their wishes.

Love compatibility report helps you determine if you and your partner belong together. If the love between you is going to last or is getting too controlling. It tells if you and your partner need to bring some changes for the relationship to be successful and if all the troubles that are there if the relationship is worth suffering for.

Holding on.

What is love when someone gives up as soon as something difficult happens? This idea is so famous now that love should be easy if it isn’t, it is not love. The pop culture knows how to romanticise toxic relationships, but they undermine the relationships that have gone through a lot of struggles and have succeeded in still keeping their relationship strong.

Life is not simple, there are always some problems waiting to make its entry. Without problems, life would get stagnant and boring. When we are in a relationship, somewhere our life and our partner’s life merge, and it is stupid to think that we wouldn’t have to face or struggle through their problems. Any problems faced by either of the individuals can affect the other and also the relationship.

Love compatibility report talks about how important being together during troubles is, it tells if you and your partner would be together when the times are rough, it also talks about the possibility of problems that might come in your way. It prepares you for any potential problem you and your partner might face, and it brings to you the solution and guidelines to be powerful against those problems.

Love compatibility report talks about how important being together during troubles is, it tells if you and your partner would be together when the times are rough, it also talks about the possibility of problems that might come in your way. It prepares you for any potential problem you and your partner might face, and it brings to you the solution and guidelines to be powerful against those problems.

Letting go.

Love gets toxic when two people keep holding on even when they both are suffering from the relationship. Some people are so possessive that letting go isn’t something that they have learned. It isn’t something that they think is needed. Maybe it is optimism, or it is this possessiveness, that keeps people from understanding when the time has come to let go.

It is a very tough decision, especially when you had planned to spend your life with your partner, but sometimes, it is only going to ruin both your lives.

This report tells you when the relationship is worth it anymore or not if one must keep holding on or is letting go of the only good thing they can do for their relationship right now. The report brings this bitter truth but empowering truth that would only bring happiness to you and lead you to find your real love once the time is right.


Actions are louder than words, right? Love agrees to that too. Love is not limited to a feeling or some set of words; instead, it is filled with actions. These actions are not for show either, they come involuntarily, selflessly, with the aim for your partner to be safe and happy. These actions are there when you are angry with them, and also there when the relationship is facing something extreme.

This report brings details about the compatibility issues that you and your partner might face during their relationship. It warns you about those issues and allows you to reduce those potential problems. It also brings some pieces of advice that can help the relationship.


Love is not selfish; love is when we are willing to give up on our happiness to let them have their own. A reason why people now give up on their love so easily is because they fail to understand that love is when you keep someone else’s need over your own. The idea of self-love has become so fragmented and twisted that we can no more understand that by putting someone else’s need over our own, we are NOT being bad for ourselves.

This report talks about if you and your partner are soul mates if they plan to leave you or stay by your side, and if selflessness is present in the relationship or not. It talks about if being selfless is making you harm your life, or if you are doing right. It comes with pieces of advice that would empower you to make the correct decision for your love life and improve your relationship.


How can you expect someone else to love yourself when you don’t love yourself?

The most magical thing about love is, when your partner is right, they slowly teach you how to love yourself. Psychology says that when a person teaches you how to fall in love with yourself, you start falling in love with that person.

Self-love is very important and true love is when your partner supports you in your journey of self-improvement, in your journey of finding yourself.

This report tells you if your partner would be by your side when you are trying to understand yourself, would your partner help you love yourself more. It tells if by being with the partner, your self-love would increase or decrease, it talks about how being with you would change their love for themselves.

Love is magical and unpredictable. It is because this emotion is hard to understand and alter, it brings the utmost happiness in one’s life. It brings a sense of fulfilment, responsibility, and a reason to be excited about the future. The person we love is the first person we want to go to when we have the most exciting news to tell, the first person we go to when we don’t know how to deal with the sadness of something, the first person we think of when we listen to a romantic song, the person who you wish to show all your hidden sides.

From acceptance, understanding, compassion, empathy, trust, freedom to teaching one how to love their self, having a correct partner is very important.

Love cannot be defined properly by a dictionary, it cannot be portrayed accurately by something fictional, it cannot be explained by someone who has felt is, it can only be felt by the person who feels it. Every person in love is different, the feeling of love is different for every person and two people in the same relationship can experience love differently. When it is hard for us to understand our selves when in love, it becomes harder to understand our partner.

Love compatibility report is all you need when you want to understand your love life when you need to understand what is it your partner needs, what problems need to be eliminated, and how you can improve and strengthen your relationship. This report empowers you and your partner with the accurate information that gives you all that you need to find true happiness within the relationship.



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