What You Need in Relationship — Zodiac’s Edition

What You Need in Relationship — Zodiac’s Edition

4 min readMay 11, 2021
Do you know what ingredient you need in a Relationship?
What You Need in Relationship — Zodiac’s Edition

Many ingredients are needed for a relationship to work. These ingredients can include honesty, trust, openness, intimacy, sex, etc. Whatever maybe these ingredients, the relationship is between two people and these two people decide these ingredients and the nature of these ingredients. If these ingredients remain fresh, the relationship would remain fresh like the beginning. If these ingredients begin to rot, the relationship also begins to rot.

Astrology has numerous methods to check the compatibility status between two Zodiac Signs as a precautionary tale. However, without indulging in in-depth matchmaking, we can still figure out the qualities and ingredients that a Zodiac desires in a relationship.

Whether you’re a Libra or an Aries, take a lot below at the ingredients or what Zodiacs need in Relationships.


Honesty is the key to win an Aries’ heart and make them yours.

Aries demands utmost and sincere honest when in a relationship. They are not too fond of being in a relationship with somebody where the other person or they have to lie. Aries is also possessive of their partners so clear, honest communication has to happen to prevent misunderstandings.


Taurus desires devotion in a relationship.

To Taurus, devotion is not associated with religion or religious practice. They feel the need to be devoted to their partner and expect the same in return. Whoever they love, they will be devoted to them in the way they do things, behave, interact, and be with them.’

Taurus desires devotion in a relationship.
Taurus desires devotion in a relationship.


Gemini needs privacy to be in a relationship.

Gemini hates partners who feel the need to be snoopy all the time. If they are in a relationship with you, they would demand privacy for themselves and for you to be private when needed. Geminis being an air sign prizes independence and privacy more than others.


Cancer needs a non-judgmental attitude for a relationship.

Cancer may appear naïve, and innocent on the surface but that does not mean that they haven’t done any crazy stuff in their life. Whether it be skinny-dipping or smoking weed or having sex in public, Cancer demands a relationship where their partner is non-judgmental to their past experiences.


Leo loves to be the center of attention in their partner’s life.

Leos thrive on attention and the most significant aspect of their relationship with somebody is the keenness and the amount of attention they receive from their significant other. They do not like nonchalant behaviors at all and need constant attention to feeling loved and cared for.


The flexibility of opinion is what a Virgo secretly desires for a relationship.

On the surface, Virgos seem very opinionated. It is not because they are staunch in their forming opinions. It is because they are well informed and listens to everybody patiently. They want the flexibility of opinion, of feeling, of everything, for a relationship even if they cannot express it outwardly.


Patience is what Libra needs for a relationship.

Libras can be quite the heartbreakers of the Zodiac wheel. It is not that they are not caring but they are just really busy! Patience is that ingredient that would make their relationship with somebody thrive and only thrive. They are intelligent intellectually but on emotional matters, they are honestly quite dumb.


Intensity is what a Scorpio wants for a relationship.

A Scorpio likes to feel everything intensely, especially their emotions. They lead a life that is comparable to boho life and are inhibited by modern teaching. They wish to forge their way when exploring life and intensity is what keeps them going.

Intensity is what a Scorpio wants for a relationship.
Intensity is what a Scorpio wants for a relationship.


Excitement is what a Sagittarius wants for a relationship.

Sagittarius people can be in a lot of relationships and be bored with him. Heartbreaks don’t matter for them if they are the ones who break off the relationship. Due to this tendency, they need excitement for a relationship to grow as they are quite adventure seekers.


Capricorn is all about temperance.

Temperance and balance are two ingredients that Capricorns desire in a relationship. It is because they are not very good at it.


Aquarius + Independence = Goals

Aquarius is a very independent air sign. They need independence for a relationship to sustain. They do not do well with very suspicious partners.


Compassion is what a Pisces heart beats for.

Pisces are very compassionate in general. They tend to “save” someone in a relationship. However, if the other person is selfish, Pisces’ sacrificial love is bound to be exploited and taken for granted.




Written by Feather

I’m an explorer of this cosmos & I believe there are deeper mysteries of life that needs to be unraveled. So, come along, read and join me in my journey :)

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