Working towards financial stability.

9 min readJul 22, 2020


People live life with lots of expectations from the future. They are driven by dreams and goals that they want to accomplish in their life. From the beginning of their life, all through their education, and throughout their adult life, the basic driving force that makes a person work hard is that of someday achieving their goals. People spend their entire life dedicatedly reaching their dreams.

But achieving dreams is easier said than done. There are various factors influencing someone’s chance of getting where they wish to be. From how much work they put, to which direction they move, if they are self-disciplined, if they show dedication, if they have courage, if they have the right growth mindset, to self-confidence, trust and commitment. But it just doesn’t stop there. People need opportunities, they also need to have good physical and mental health and most importantly, they need a plan.

“If you don’t take care of your money your money won’t take care of you.”

― Mac Duke, The Strategist.

Financial planning from an early age can lead someone to do wonders in their future. Financial planning is the most essential step that one needs to complete to reach their life goals. It allows us to plan the rest of our lifestyle according to our savings. With correctly planning our finances, we get to increase our savings with time, we also get to live a better standard of life, be prepared for emergencies, and also be free from worrying. A reason why most youths of today suffer from finance is that they have this urge to show their wealth, to use their money even when it is not needed, and that makes them impulsively buy goods without efficiently planning their finances. Inefficient planning can lead to future struggles with finances and lead one towards debt and even having to give up on one’s dream.

Finance prospects report is the ultimate guide for anyone who is struggling to plan efficiently. It is also for those who aim to make a full-proof financial strategy that allows them to grow.

Trusted Teller is a reputed place where the best Vedic astrologers are present. They operate differently than everybody else in the field of astrology. They do not opt for an API or any computerised system to create a report for an individual. They instead do it manually, carefully going over one’s data and creating a report that is full of accuracy and precision. The report they provide is highly informative, providing one with all the information they need to make a correct decision.

The report empowers one’s financial situation and thus their career and lifestyle. The report motivates, inspires, and prepares a person while also directing them towards the right path. With the report, one gets to navigate their financial journey with confidence and accurate knowledge of what the future might hold. The report is full of pieces of advice and tips that would surely help one deal with their unique situation in the best way possible.

The Vedic astrologers at Trusted Teller understand how the report keeps the potential to influence a person’s decisions and hence they keep their entire focus on making the report accurate, precise, and detailed. They know that rushing this process isn’t the way to do it and therefore they carefully, minutely examine the individual’s data and curate a perfect report in 24 hours.

“You will never know true freedom until you achieve financial freedom.”

-Robert T. Kiyosaki, Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant.

The most essential task while one is making a financial plan is to understand their finances. They need to understand and keep a note of their earning as well as the outflow of what they earning. One needs to realise where and how they can reduce the amount of money they spend. And they also need to remember that making a financial plan is not a one-time thing. They need to keep on regularly updating and checking it; to maintain and increase its efficiency, monitoring financial plans is a must.

People want financial freedom and stability, but with that thought, a lot of planning, discipline, and skills follow. Many entrepreneurs use different techniques to attain financial freedom and stability, the Quadrant Cashflow is one of them.

In the book ‘Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant,’ Robert Kiyosaki has explained the four quadrants that are present for earning money. The four quadrants determine how we earn and how much we have to work for it. The four quadrants of earning are as follows:

E- Employee.

S- Self Employed.

B- Business owner.

I- Investor.

The traditional way to earn money is to complete education in a particular field and then work to get a job and do one’s best to achieve the highest they possibly can while they work hard 9to5 for 5 or 6 days a week. The reason the traditional method is so sought after is that people run after security and because there is a surety that the traditional method would work, people opt for becoming an employee and ignore the urge to start a business or risk the financial security they have attained.

Of the four quadrants, the Es and Ss, i.e., the employees and the self-employed trade their time for money. They do not earn half as much as the Bs and the Is, i.e., the businessman and the Investors. Being a businessman or an investor is a risk very few are willing to take. Not wanting to go out of the regular norms set by ‘normal’ people around them people prefer the 9to5 job even when they don’t want to.

“Two roads diverged in a wood … I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference.”

– Robert Frost.

For people wanting to start a business.

There is always a risk when one decides to start a business. There is always the doubt of whether they would be successful in the future, whether their hard work would pay of. The key to winning is to not give in to the many doubts one would have. The key to winning lies behind trusting oneself and properly creating a plan that would bring them success and with that, take a risk. It is worth it.

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”

– Mark Zuckerberg.

The report helps an individual in coming up with a proper financial plan as they decide upon changing their life and risk everything to start a business. The report is there to guide and support the individual in such a tough decision and it helps them by keeping informed about the future. They get to prepare beforehand for any trouble that can possibly come their way financially. People don’t need to give up on their dreams simply because they are afraid of taking risks. With this report, one would be empowered with all the accurate information they need to make a correct decision that would improve their lifestyle as well as their finances while also reducing their finance-related stress.

For taking a big step in their business.

In this era, having a successful business equates to having a successful life. With a successful business, one gets to live a luxurious life, provide a life of leisure to their family, ensure that their children get the best of education and opportunities, and also be prepared for all the emergencies. Having a business allows one to widen their horizon and move towards accomplishing other goals.

People in business often opt to keep on improving their business and trying different ways to increase their reach. But sometimes a decision could go wrong and bring struggle not only to the business but also to their personal finances. This finance prospects report is what is needed when someone is thinking of making a big change or decision that can influence their business and financial stability.

The report helps one by giving them the predictions about their business and the changes their steps would bring. It allows a person to decide properly and choose based on facts and thus ensure that there is the least amount of risk. The report even guides the individual towards steps that are beneficial for their business. It makes the person keep their business stay ahead of the competition with a forecast-able future.

For future emergencies.

The future is not always something one can control. From unexpected health problems to the stock markets crashing, people can have to suffer many situations in which they could face an instant ‘low’ in their financial prospects.

The report helps you prepare for such emergencies as well. For starters, the report guides the individual to understand the ultimate keys to finances and with the predictions of future skilfully create a finance plan that would help one get the best of life while also saving enough for what is to come.

Then the report also informs individuals about the possible time when they could suffer from low finances and also helps them understand the possible reason for those difficulties. With the information, people get to eliminate or reduce the intensity of those possibilities and also prepare and protect their finances before the time arrives.

With the report, people get to live worry-free because they would have enough financial stability to take care of any health problems they or their family members might experience, take care of the education of their children, and also provide the best life to the family even when days are tough.

“Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid. Courage means you don’t let fear stop you.”

– Bethany Hamilton.

Relive loans and debts.

There are several reasons people go in debt or bankruptcy but all of those reasons have a lot to do with their inability to formulate a proper financial plan or their inability to monitor the plan.

Then there are those people who take loans to boost start their business, career, or education. They even take loans for investing in someplace or for health reasons. Loans are a very common thing for the people of the current time. But it is just a fancy word for debt and something that makes one feel less guilty, but still, the same pressure to return the money on time is present.

The report helps an individual plan correctly and to improve their life and financial future with the power of astrology. It also guides one in exploring financial options to meet their needs without having to compromise more than required. One is able to reach their financial goals without anxiety and stress. They also get to work towards levelling up in their business or career to take advantage of many exciting opportunities once they can pay off their debts and loans.

People get a complete guide for their finance. The report is full of navigation that one requires to achieve success in their financial goals. The report motivates and brings confidence to one’s life and allows the individual to take important decisions without risking a lot. With this report, people no more need to follow in the steps of people that came before them. They do not need to follow the traditional method of earning the fear of taking a very risky path.

With this report, people can follow their dreams with confidence. They can widen the range of their business with a proper and effective financial plan. They also get to be prepared for any future emergencies and be fully ensured that any financial struggle could be taken care of because of this report.

Financial stability is a very essential need to enjoy a life that is low on anxiety and high on luxury. Don’t spend a single second doubting and thinking of giving up your dreams.

Use this report as the first brick you need to build your empire, as the first step you need to take towards financial stability and freedom.




Written by Feather

I’m an explorer of this cosmos & I believe there are deeper mysteries of life that needs to be unraveled. So, come along, read and join me in my journey :)

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